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Local Study

Online Survey Through Survey Planet


Our team conducted a local study that resulted in a total of 64 responses. Our local study was made up of a survey utilizing Survey Planet. The survey was targeted towards single mothers and made accessible to anyone with the link provided. Collectively as a team we all distributed this survey via posting it on our own various social medias, primarily Facebook and Instagram. It consisted of nine multiple choice questions with six of them having the option for multiple answers (up to three). 


Questions Survey Participants Were Asked:


  1. As being a single mother, what is the biggest challenge that you face being a single parent?

  2. What social media platform would be the best one for single mothers to learn about the group/join the group?

  3. What prevents single mothers from attending support group meetings concerning availability?

  4. Where do you search for information on local support groups?

  5. What keeps single moms from joining support groups?

  6. As a single mother, what is the best way single mom support groups can motivate you to keep attending the meeting?

  7. Would you be interested in making friends with other single mothers through a support group?

  8. For those who would take advantage of free childcare, what are the ages of your children?

  9. What types of posts would you like to see on the social media page?


The Purpose of Our Survey:

While our combined research gave us very useful information to base a recommendation upon for our client, we still wanted more data. The information from the survey was extremely useful as our research alone could not answer all our questions. For our survey we used questions that were very specific to information that our client stated they wanted to know more about. The results from the survey are presented below with all the answers formatted with a bar graph.


Figure 1 – As being a single mother, what is the biggest challenge that you face being a single parent? (Choose one)














Out of 64 responses, nearly 55% chose financial issues being the biggest challenge they face as a single parent.


Figure 2 - What social media platform would be the best one for single mothers to learn about the group/join the group?













Only 5 out of the 64 participants chose other social media platforms other than Facebook.



Figure 3 - What prevents single mothers from attending support group meetings concerning availability? (Select up to two answers)











Of the 5 responses available, over 65% were chosen as inconveniences due to weeknight scheduling and finding childcare.


Figure 4 - Where do you search for information on local support groups? (Select up to three answers)












Out of 91 answers selected, nearly 2/3 were “Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)



Figure 5 - What keeps single moms from joining support groups? (Select up to two answers)













When asking the participants about reasons that would prevent them from joining a support group, “not having enough time in my schedule” was the most selected with “I don’t know where to find it” and “I want support, but I have social anxiety” close behind.


Figure 6 - As a single mother, what is the best way single mom support groups can motivate you to keep attending the meeting? (Select up to two answers)












Out of 102 selected answers, over 75% were “when in person, having a room for kids to be watched during meetings” and “Allow for some meetings to be online and some in-person if needed”



Figure 7 - Would you be interested in making friends with other single mothers through a support group?












When asked if the participants would be interested in making friends with other single mothers through a support group, the most chosen answer was “yes this is a big reason I want to join a support group”.


Figure 8 - For those who would take advantage of free childcare, what are the ages of your children? (Select up to three answers)













Only 5% of the participants said the age of their children they would like in free childcare were between the ages of 6-11.



Figure 9 - What types of posts would you like to see on the social media page? (Select up to three answers) 













When given 3 options of what posts the participants would like to see on social media, they strongly answered all of the above.

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