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"Our job as teachers is not to “prepare” kids for something; our job is to help kids learn to prepare themselves for anything."– AJ Juliani

            Like many educators, I have had many moments in my education that led me to believe this could be the career for me. It wasn’t until I started working with students in the classroom and after school that my belief was solidified. Looking back, I have always been motivated to give back and help those around me achieve their own greatness. Due to this intrinsic need, entering an education field was the most sensical option for me. I aim to be someone students view as a role model, come to for advice, and learn in ways that extend outside the classroom. As an educator, I have the ability to mold students into leaders in their own communities. These students can move on to make a positive change in other’s lives.

            To promote growth and leadership in students, it is my belief that students learn effective social skills where so they can exchange thoughts and ideas with others. To achieve this in an academic setting, students would have many opportunities to work collaboratively. Exposing students to diverse backgrounds, ideas, and beliefs allow them to gain the necessary experience that will help promote their growing social skills. As future leaders, it is important to show students that mistakes happen and are normal. Modeling that mistakes are opportunities for growth and perseverance enables students to continue to work hard even in the face of adversity.  Students are constantly learning, and it is important to promote their innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Giving them the chance to choose what they are learning and presenting their findings to the class not only gives them an opportunity to take charge of their education, but also promotes communication of ideas that will further help them in the future. Similarly, I believe their education should foster continuous growth that helps students realize their potential to do well.

            Every student is different. This means they have different needs, interests, and abilities. It is important to provide students an equal opportunity to learn by providing material that makes sense to them. Working alongside peers that have similar abilities helps prevent students from feeling defeated and overwhelmed. When students can relate to the subject material, they have a better opportunity of connecting that to something they are already comfortable with, therefore solidifying this newly gained information into their schema. It is my belief that there should be an emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-discipline in the classroom. This promotes students to use these skills in their everyday lives when making important decisions. Creating a way to think critically in the classroom by introducing thought-provoking questions can enable students to problem solve on their own or collaboratively. The students are limited to the tools given to them. That is why I believe it is essential on my part as an educator to continue professional growth by attending classes, workshops, seminars, and discussions as a way to provide students with the best tools for success.

            Realizing potential and fostering growth in every student is an essential skill for educators to have. They have the ability to reach leadership potential and become something great as long as they are made aware it is there. It is my belief that it is the job of the educator to show students what they are capable of. I am personally motivated to help students seek out success and use failures as opportunities for growth and change. It is equally important as an educator that I recognize the importance of the role I have chosen and continue to be someone that models a leader that students can relate to and look up to.


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