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Standard #3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage

positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Artifact Name: Service Learning Project

Date: November 2018

Course: EDUC 101 Intro to Teaching


Description: For this assignment I observed and helped out in a 2nd grade classroom. During this time I completed over 20 tasks in the classroom while helping the teacher. I accumulated 20 hours in volunteer time when visiting this classroom. 


Rationale: To show my understanding of InTASC Standard #3, Learning Environments, I chose my Service Learning Project for EDUC 101. For this assignment, I was in a 2nd grade classroom where the teacher created an environment with the students that encouraged positive social interaction and collaborative learning. During this time I was able to see how this environment positively impacted the students engagement and relationship with the teacher.

Artifact Name: Scientific Inquiry Projects

Date: October 2019

Course: EDUC 224 Intro to Scientific Inquiry


Description: Throughout the semester our class had small projects done with table mates. These projects required us to work together towards a common goal. During these projects we would assign each other roles or duties to complete the project. One example of the projects we did was creating a rocket out of a toilet paper tube and craft supplies. We had to create a stable "rocket" that would successfully propel itself down a string.


Rationale: To acknowledge my understanding of InTASC Standard #3, I chose the Scientific Inquiry projects our class did throughout the semester. Over the course of the semester we worked collaboratively with other students to complete experiments within the classroom. This allowed us to create our own environment where we were self-motivated, actively engaged in our material, and consistently encouraging positive social interactions between peers.

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