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Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the

effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice

to meet the needs of each learner.

Artifact Name: Teacher Interview

Date: November 2018

Course: EDUC 101 Intro to Teaching


Description: For this assignment I identified a teacher to interview about their time in the education profession. During the interview I asked questions about their teaching philosophy, demands in the profession, and connections made with students and faculty. Along with this I inquired about any changes in education, advice, and qualifications needed. I then wrote an essay covering these topics discussed.


Rationale: To demonstrate my developing skills for InTASC Standard #9, Professional Learning and Ethical Practice, I chose my Teacher Interview Essay. This assignment allowed me to learn another educator's motivations for becoming a teacher and their personal teaching pedagogies. It allowed me to evaluate another educator's practice and engage in ongoing professional learning as well as learning how to collaborate with other professionals.

Artifact Name: Reading Response Journals

Date: December 2019

Course: EDUC 224 Intro to Scientific Inquiry


Description: Throughout the semester, we were required to complete reading from our textbook and fill out reading response journals that allowed us to reflect on the topics in that weeks reading. These questions prompted us to write any questions we may have had, make connections with the text, and highlight and important information found in the text.


Rationale: To demonstrate my understanding of this standard I chose my reading response journals. Through this assignment I was able to continually evaluate my own practice through my journal responses and adapt practices to meet my future needs as a student. This will help me in my future practice as an educator by allowing me to reflect and evaluate with the help of other professionals.

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