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Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with

learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the


Artifact Name: Family & Parent Presentation

Date: September 2019

Course: EDUC 230 The Exceptional Child


Description: Through a Powerpoint I created a presentation sharing important information that parents and family members of students that exhibited exceptionalities should know. This presentation included explanations and resources relevant to the students and families needs. 


Rationale: To demonstrate my understanding of InTASC Standard #10, Leadership and Collaboration, I chose my family and parent presentation. This assignment allowed me to grow by researching the different ways to collaborate with learners, families, and colleagues on how to ensure learner growth. This research allowed me to learn ways to advance my professional growth by collaborating with other professionals in order to better help students needs.

Artifact Name: Final Powerpoint Project

Date: October 2019

Course: EDUC 230 The Exceptional Child


Description: Throughout the semester we covered various topics surrounding exceptional learners. In the final project we created an ideal classroom for all learners with the knowledge we had gained throughout the course. This was presented through PowerPoint and covered topics such as classroom space, different exceptionalities, classroom management, and teacher support.


Rationale: To better demonstrate my understanding of this standard, I chose my Final powerpoint project completed in EDUC 230. This project allowed me to gain many resources on how to best take responsibility for student learning through classroom management, classroom space, and teacher support. It has also allowed me to gain insight on how to better advance in the profession in collaboration with other faculty. 

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