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Standard #2: Learning Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning

environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Artifact Name: Global Studies Presentation

Date: December 2018

Course: EDUC 101 Intro to Teaching


Description: In this assignment I researched a foreign country and their education system. Through the use of a Powerpoint I presented information about the country such as culture, government structure, and religion. I also explained the country's educational structure and how it compared to our own.

Rationale: To better develop my understanding of standard #2 learning differences, I chose my Global Studies Presentation project. Through this project I was able to gain valuable insight on a culture different to my own and how their education system works. This allowed me to understand how different cultures vary and ways I could ensure inclusivity in the classroom to help each learner be able to meet high standards.

Artifact Name: Service Learning Project

Date: March 2019

Course: EDUC 233 Literacy Development & Children's Literature


Description: For this assignment I tutored a group of 2nd graders in an after school program in an urban setting. During this time I was able to help students with their homework, practice their math skills, and read aloud with them.


Rationale: To better develop my understanding of InTASC Standard #2, I chose my Service Learning Project in EDUC 233. Through this time I was able to experience individual differences in an urban setting. One of our main objectives was to make sure all students felt safe and included so they could achieve their study and homework goals.

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