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Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually

within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally

appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

Artifact Name: MyVirtual Child

Date: September 2019

Course: EDUC 230 The Exceptional Child


Description: For this assignment, we created a Virtual Child account online where we were able to "raise" a virtual child from birth to eighteen years old. The child differed based off of questions that were answered surrounding the child's upbringing.


Rationale: To acknowledge my understanding of InTASC Standard #1, Learner Development, I chose MyVirtual Child assignment. Through this assignment I was able to see how different choices I made for MyVirtual Child impacted how they grew and developed. This helped me see how development impacted MyVirtual Child socially, behaviorally, educationally, and emotionally.

Artifact Name: Case Study Review of IEP Meeting

Date: September 2019

Course: EDUC 230 The Exceptional Child


Description: This assignment required me to read two case scenarios of an IEP meeting. After I summarized my the scenarios and explained the reasoning behind certain actions. At the end, I was able to reflect and note any personal application I may have had regarding the case study.


Rationale: Another way I was able to acknowledge my understanding of InTASC Standard #1 was through the Case Study Review of IEP Meeting. This assignment gave me the opportunity to recognize how the patterns of learning and development vary based on the student and their needs. This assignment also gave me an idea of how to assess and address these individualities for students. 

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