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Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of

content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.

Artifact Name: Read Aloud & Lesson Plan

Date: February 2019

Course: EDUC 233 Literacy Development & Children's Literature


Description: For this assignment I chose a book to read aloud in an after school program. Along with the reading I created a lesson plan that tied together. For this lesson plan I modeled the activity and allowed students to work on it together. Afterwards they were able to demonstrate their understanding by doing a similar activity on their own.


Rationale: To better show my understanding of Standard #7, Planning for Instruction, I chose my Read Aloud & Lesson Plan from EDUC 233. Through this project I was able to plan for instruction that supported a wide variety of student needs in order to help them meet learning goals. These goals were drawn upon by using the knowledge and content learned through the curriculum I taught after the read aloud. This enabled me to better apply my pedagogy to my lesson plan.

Artifact Name: Author Study

Date: February 2019

Course: EDUC 233 Literacy Development & Children's Literature


Description: During this assignment, I created a tri-fold poster board with information covering a children's author of my choosing. Along with this I created a handout with this information and reviews of the books I had read. After this was completed, I presented the author's life and a few of her works to my peers in a science fair style set up.


Rationale:  To show my understanding of Standard #7, I chose my Author Study project. In this project I used my research teach my classmates about the author that I chose. This meant I had to use my knowledge of the subject combined with what I learned in this class to allow me to provide varying levels of knowledge for this project.

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