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Standard #5: Application of Content

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity,

collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.

Artifact Name: Literature Circle Reflections & Book Reviews

Date: February 2019

Course: EDUC 233 Literacy Development & Children's Literature 


Description: Throughout the semester we read three YA novels. While reading the novels we would fill out a reflection sheet and then discuss with our peers who were also reading the same novel. After, we submitted individual reviews of the novel on


Rationale: To acknowledge my understanding of InTASC Standard #5, Application of Content, I selected the Literature Circle Reflections & Book Reviews assignment. This assignment allowed me to engage in critical thinking through our circle reflection discussions and writings. During our discussions, I was able to gain insight on group members perspectives as well as work collaboratively on our reflection writings.

Artifact Name: Math Writing Assignment #2

Date: October 2019

Course: MATH 141 Math for Elementary Teachers  


Description: We were required to read an excerpt from Jo Boaler's What's Math Got to Do with It? This reading was titled Learning without Thought and talked about how how traditional teaching of math encourage passive learning. It went on to highlight the various methods that are taught today. Through the writing reflection we were required to discuss our opinions on the different methods that were presented in the reading.


Rationale: To acknowledge my understanding of InTASC Standard #5, I chose Math Writing Assignment #2. This reading opened my eyes on different perspectives within a math classroom. It touched on the global issue of how math can be taught passively in the classroom and allowed for critical thinking during the writing portion of the assignment.

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