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Standard #6: Assessment

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner

progress, and to guide the teacher's and learner's decision making.

Artifact Name: Child Observation: Toddler & Pre K

Date: April 2019

Course: EDUC 121 Child & Adolescent Development


Description: This assignment required me to observe two children (toddler and pre K age) and write a reflection. In this reflection paper I wrote about the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development levels that I observed during my time with that child.


Rationale: To better develop my understanding of Standard #6, Assessment, I chose my Toddler & Pre K Child Observation project. Through this project I was able to use multiple methods of assessments to monitor learner progress and gauge where they were growing developmentally. This allowed me to understand the decision making of the learner.

Artifact Name: Child Study: School Age

Date: February 2020

Course: EDUC 250 Educational Psychology  


Description: For this assignment, I met with a child under parental permission and conducted assessments. These assessments were to help get an understanding of where the child was cognitively and socially. Along with this I interviewed the parent to gain some background information on the child's home life. After, I wrote a reflection paper that discussed my findings during this study.


Rationale: To demonstrate my understanding of Standard #6, Assessment, I chose my Child Study Project from EDUC 250. Through this project I used multiple methods of assessments to monitor learner progress and help guide the learner's decision making. This further strengthened my understanding on how to engage learners in their own growth.

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